A powerful object oriented Kriging Matlab toolbox
The ooDACE Toolbox is available in different forms. Details can be found in the License Terms.
Fully functional proprietary versions for commercial use, and for funded academic research.
- Flexible licensing schemes and technical support are also available for research partners (aiming at collaboration, data exchange, or joint publications).
Open Source version, only for personal, non-profit, pure academic research and for educational purposes.
Reserved for academic users only, and might have some restrictions and limitations.
Optionally, please fill in the form below to let us know where and how ooDACE is being used.
To quickly get up and running refer to the getting started guide and the wikiReferences
When reporting results obtained by the ooDACE Toolbox, please refer to:
- ooDACE Toolbox: A Flexible Object-Oriented Kriging Implementation
I. Couckuyt, T. Dhaene, P. Demeester, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 15, pp. 3183-3186, October 2014.
- Blind Kriging: Implementation and performance analysis
I. Couckuyt, A. Forrester, D. Gorissen, F. De Turck, T. Dhaene, Advances in Engineering Software (Elsevier), Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 1-13, July 2012.
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